You Have More Power
Than You Know
R. Anawar
“I believe in going into your problems rather than running away from. I dabbled with self-improvement such as deep meditation, but only one session was needed to permanently clear my approach anxiety.”
Clear Your Inner Trauma
Rediscover your inner bad-ass. Eliminate negativity, self-doubt, and self-criticism. Replace if with confidence and a champion's mindset. The tombstone of Cus D'Amato, Mike Tyson's first coach says "A boy comes to me with a spark of interest. I feed the spark & it becomes a flame. I feed the flame & it becomes a fire. I feed the fire & it becomes a roaring blaze." Become a roaring blaze. I'll show you how.
Banish Limiting Beliefs
Our core beliefs about who we are, what we're worth, what we can do or have, what is safe and what's not, and all aspects of life are deeply ingrained in our subconscious. These beliefs dictate most of what we do, every minute of every day. I specialize in reprogramming the subconscious mind using specialized techniques. I clear subconscious emotional trauma and programming that prevents us from reaching our full potential.
Claim Your Power, Achieve Greatness
Merely clearing traumatic programming is not enough. I replace the bad beliefs with the best ones. Beliefs such as "I am a magnet for money", "I am amazingly capable and talented", "women find me incredibly attractive", "the real me is the best part of me", and "I am destined for greatness". Healing our inner masculine is the key to improving every aspect of our life. Upgrade your inner world and your outer world will also improve. It's science!
You Have More Power Than You Know
Mark L.
“I thought my anger was an insurmountable demon. It felt as if the only choice I had in life was to either let it go or die. After the session I was honestly trying to trigger it again and go deep down and feel it. It was all gone."
I am a mindset coach. I teach people to, at a core level, unconditionally love themselves, believe in their ability and value, and let go of anything that doesn’t serve them. I do not practice psychiatry, psychology, counseling, or engage in any other form of regulated profession. I do not profess to be a medical provider in any way. I do not diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure or prevent any disease, disorder or malady, whether physical, mental or emotional.I do not make any guarantees about whether the techniques I use will have a positive impact on my clients’ lives or outlooks. At all times, I suggest my clients coordinate with their regular health care provider for any physical, mental or emotional issues. I never instruct or suggest to a client that they discontinue or change the use of prescriptions or directions from their medical providers. Clients must take full responsibility for their self-care, whether emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual.